Monday 11 February 2013


So for my first post, I decided that I owe you all an explanation as to why my blog has this title. The dictionary definition of wanderlust is a strong desire to travel or other variations of this. For me though, the word has a much stronger meaning. The word itself is almost sounds magical, as corny as that sounds. It's very intriguing and almost puts me in a trance. Wanderlust to me signifies more of a fascination with the world along with a strong passion to explore every inch of it. I've been rather fortunate in my short life time to have had the opportunities to visit many places due to the fact that I lived in Germany for a while. It was the most incredible time of my life. That's kind of where my obsession with the world began although even as a young age I showed interest in wanting to see the world hence the lifetime in the title of the blog. This blog will be about the places that I've been and about the places that I one day hope to see. I love all of the very famous places such as the Eiffel tower, how could I not, but what I love even more than that are all the small details that you don't notice until  you go exploring on your own and all the people you encounter on your journey. I'm very excited to share with all of you the places that I've been and the places that I hope all of you will one day be able to experience for yourselves.


  1. Hi Alexia.
    A nice introduction to your blog and how you intend to present "Wanderlust". I really like how you mentioned it sounds magical and trance-like. I also liked your Eiffel Tower in Motion!

    I am sure you will fill this with descriptive and interesting tidbits about the places you have been and the places you shall go (Dr. Seuss?). I share your passion for travel and have taken full years off to pursue the areas of the world that are so foreign and different from North America.

    Keep writing regularly and try to be as descriptive as possible so that we really get a sense of what you are trying to convey. :) Ms. Morton

  2. Uwah! I must say that I am also a huge fan of travelling! I am also mildly jealous of you being able to live in Germany. Does that mean you even picked up so German? My father goes there a lot for work, but I've never been. You must have such wonderful stories~ I cannot wait to hear them. :)
